O'Reilly Pit Blog

Is Youth Served?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Let's break out the latest line-up card. Mark Martin, who is 54, has found a relief role to fill in for Tony Stewart for the rest of the year. Whether or not this leads to an opportunity next year remains to be seen.

Posted by Brett McMillan

Cash-in While You Can

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

When NASCAR's new TV deal was announced, the most often asked question surrounded ESPN's departure and what that will mean for NASCAR on SportsCenter. I fully expect that with the exception of a few major events, it will disappear.

Posted by Brett McMillan

Who are These Guys?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Stewart has called racing sprint cars his "golf game". It's his chance to get away and relax. It's also something he really enjoys. If you take away these respites, is there a greater negative effect on the person than the risks of injury? 

Posted by Brett McMillan